Dr Emmanuel Margolin [Viral Vaccine Development group, Div of Virology & Biopharming Research group, Dept of Molecular and Cell Biology]

Hosted by Prof Anna-Lise Williamson [IDM/Dept of Pathology]

Dr Margolin completed his undergraduate studies in Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of Cape Town, before moving to Medical School for his postgraduate training in Infectious Diseases and Immunology (honours) and subsequently Virology. Upon completion of his M.Sc., he worked as a Senior Scientific Officer in the HIV vaccine group for 4 years. He completed his PhD in 2018 on the development of a plant-based system for the production of HIV Envelope antigens and their immunogenicity testing in rabbits. His postdoctoral research builds on this work and is looking to broaden the scope of viral glycoprotein-based vaccines that are produced in plants by engineering the host secretory pathway.