Welcome to the vibrant realm of communication and marketing at the IDM, where we aim to enhance the impact of research through different avenues of dissemination.
Our communication efforts reflect our core values of Excellence, Collaboration, and Transformation. By intertwining these values with our scientific endeavors, we harness the power of communication and marketing to not only bridge gaps in understanding but also spark meaningful dialogues that shape the trajectory of public health and medical research.
Various communications channels are utilized within the IDM including the Infomailer, Monitor in the Wolfson Pavilion Foyer, Noticeboards throughout the IDM Complex, this website, and social media. Webforms are used to submit communications materials for dissemination through these channels. There are also various resources available to assist in the creation of materials for dissemination.
Webforms (available to all IDM Members and their groups):
Should you wish to disseminate information such as funding opportunities, events, workshops & training, vacancies, etc. please complete this form. These will be shared via the appropriate communications channel to ensure maximum coverage and visibility of all information submitted.
Various mailing lists are also available to send targeted communications. If you have information that needs to be targeted as a specific constituency, please contact the Research Administration and Communications Officer.
Kindly note: When the IDM Infomailer is used to disseminate information, an option is included to [Add to Calendar] to serve as a reminder, and therefore no reminder emails are sent. If you wish to subscribe to the IDM Infomailer, please contact the Research Administration and Communications Officer.
Please submit your requests for consumables here. This will be sent out, via the IDM mailing list to all IDM staff. The email will detail that you are the contact person, and it will be up to you to arrange for collection and replacement of said consumable. We cannot guarantee that your consumable will be available in other labs, or that you will receive a response to your request.
Should you wish to update your profile on this website, kindly complete the form here. You need only complete the sections that need to be updated, every other section will remain as is.
Resources (available to Members and Fellows only):
A Shared Drive has been created on MS Teams to which all Members and Fellows have been added. This drive will be used to share all resources relevant to Members and Fellows such as membership forms, policies, and information about the IDM.
Within this drive is a private channel for Communications and Marketing resources. A wireframe of which resources are contained in this channel is given below:

Access to this channel is granted upon acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of use of the resources therein as given below:
Terms & Conditions
By continuing to engage with this resource, and through any files you download you’re acknowledging that:
- You will access this repository only while under the employ of / affiliation to the IDM.
- To maintain and protect the integrity and reputation of the Institute, this resource must not be used for anything that does not have a direct link to the IDM. It was developed solely for IDM-related communications and marketing needs.
- For safety and security and to not corrupt the integrity of this shared resource – you will not share links to this resource.
- Where appropriate (news articles, brochures etc.) photographer credits must be applied for all photos taken from 2022 onwards. All images remain intellectual property of the IDM.
Crucial: Please do not upload or make any changes to this shared repository; it’s folders, documents, templates or files. Instead, do download what you need into the Download Folder of your desktop, and then make edits to the content on your machine.
Kindly contact the Research Enterprise Manager to arrange access to the Communications and Marketing Repository.
It is necessary, from time to time, to engage with external audiences. To this end various webforms have been created to assist you in navigating the various approvals needed for the creation or dissemination of marketing materials. There are also various resources available to assist in the creation of materials for dissemination.
Webforms (available to all IDM Members and their groups):
All external media (reporters, photographers, videographers, news outlets) who wish to take photo or video footage within the IDM complex (Wolfson Pavilion, IDM North and South Pavilions, Wernher and Beit North and South Building) must obtain the appropriate approvals. Please submit your request for approval here.
Please note: approval should be obtained at least a week prior to the scheduled date to allow sufficient time for access control arrangements to be made.
Noteworthy news will be published on the IDM website, social media and communicated through appropriate channels (this may include escalation to FHS CMD, UCT Research and/or UCT CMD). News items may be in full article, news bites, or press release format.
Kindly note: This process is for the submission of completed news items, not to request a news item to be produced.
Please complete this form as completely as possible to allow for the news item to be processed quickly.
Kindly note: External communication channels (such as FHS CMD, UCT Research and/or UCT CMD) require at least 2 weeks advance notice of news items which need to be communicated on or before a certain date. If you have urgent news items, please contact the Research Visibility Officer.
Should you require assistance in preparing for an interview with a news or media outlet, or in preparing a commentary, the Research Visibility Officer is able to do so. Kindly submit a request for assistance here at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled date for the interview/commentary.
Resources (available to all IDM members and their groups):
As alluded to above, a private channel for Communications and Marketing resources, available to Members and Fellows only, has been created. However, the following resources are available to all:
- IDM Corporate Identity Manual - a guide to help you create professional, on-brand communications material for your various uses
- IDM Logos (Condensed) and (Horizontal) - these are also available in Vector format and in Black & White upon request
- IDM Banners - please contact the Research Administration and Communications Assistant to access these
- Drafting a news item - a guide to writing your own full article for submission through the webform above
- Drafting a news bite - a guide to producing short, punchy, coverage about your research or event for submission through the webform above
- Drafting a press release - a guide to producing coverage for your initiatives and events at times where capacity constraints at FHS and UCT CMD do not allow for their coverage.