The Flow Cytometry Core Facility aims to provide innovative, comprehensive, and reliable flow cytometric services to the University of Cape Town, and surrounding institutions. The Flow Cytometry Core Facility is located in the Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine (IDM), Wernher & Beit South building, UCT Faculty of Health Sciences Campus.
The facility is overseen by Thomas Scriba, Professor and Deputy Director of Immunology at the South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (SATVI) and Elisa Nemes, Associate Professor, SATVI. Day-to-day operations are handled by the Core Facility Manager, Tim Reid.
The Flow Cytometry Core facility currently houses two high-end multiparameter flow cytometers. The BD LSR Fortessa can measure up to 18 fluorescent parameters, while the BD FACSymphony A5 is able to measure up to 30 fluorescent parameters. The flow cytometers are both equipped with a high throughput samples (HTS) plate loader system, allowing anaylsis of samples in either 96- or 384-well plates in addition to the traditional standard 5mL FACS tube. The cytometers undergo rigorous daily maintenance and standardisation to ensure longitudinal stability and accuracy.
Bookings are essential to use the facility. We assist users with most aspects of their experimental procedures, and offer instrument and assay-specific training as well as data analysis training. Flow cytometry users are trained free of charge to run their samples independently, as there is limited capacity for hands-on assistance.
For flow cytometry enquiries, please contact Tim Reid, Senior Scientific Officer, IDM Flow Cytometry Core Facility Manager based in the IDM at SATVI.
The Sorting Facility is located in the IDM, Wernher & Beit South building, UCT Faculty of Health Sciences Campus.
Overseeing the facility is Elizabeth Mayne, HOD of the Division of Immunology, and day-to-day operations handled by Ronnie Dreyer. The Sorting Core Facility comprises an 11 parameter BD FACS Aria I (9 fluorescent parameters) in BSL2. The facility also houses a state-of-the-art FACS Aria Fusion sorter (18 fluorescence parameters), strategically located within the faculty BSL3 facility, allowing both flow cytometery and sorting of live infectious samples.
Bookings are essential to use the facility. We assist users with most aspects of their experimental procedures; and offer instrument and assay-specific training as well as data analyses training.
For sorting enquiries, please contact Ronnie Dreyer, FACS Facility Manager, in the Division of Immunology.