Flow Cytometry & Sorting Core Facilities

The Flow Cytometry Core Facility aims to provide innovative, comprehensive, and reliable flow cytometric services. The facility contains two high-end multiparameter flow cytometers in its Biosafety Level 2 laboratory (BSL2): a BD LSRFortessa, which is able to measure up to 18 fluorescent parameters, and a BD FACSymphony A5 flow cytometer which has the capacity to measure an unparalleled 30 fluorescent parameters. The Sorting Core Facility comprises a BD FACS Aria I (9 fluorescence parameters) in BSL2, and a FACS Aria Fusion (18 fluorescence parameters), which is strategically located within the IDM BSL3 facility for high-end sorting of infectious samples.

Proteomics & Metabolomics Platform

The platform has not narrowed its focus to a single service provider, but instead has diversified the available types of mass spectrometer, and in doing so has provided a comprehensive platform that has a versatile set of tools available for research. The mass spectrometers include a Thermo QExactive for identifying >1000s of analytes in complex mixtures, a Thermo TSQ Vantage for accurate targeted quantitation, a Sciex 6600 TripleTOF for identification and quantitation of >1000s of analytes, which includes a full suite of metabolomic software, and an AbSciex Maldi TOF 4800, which is an older instrument that can give a quick overview of the contents of a sample.

Biosafety Level III (BSLIII) Core Facility

The IDM houses two accredited Biosafety Level III (BSLIII) laboratories. These operate as a single, state-of-the-art core facility providing access to cutting-edge preparative and analytical equipment in support of research on hazard group 3 infectious agents, primarily Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Imaging platforms

The Confocal and Light Microscope Imaging Facility is a core advanced light microscope facility on the Faculty of Health Sciences UCT campus.  It offers UCT and other local researchers access to super and near-super resolution, real-time live cell and tissue imaging including a multitude of quantitative imaging and analysis techniques. The facility is located in the Anatomy Building, level 3, rooms 3.14 & 3.18, and in Wernher & Beit South (BSLIII laboratory of the IDM), and Falmouth L3, (BSLII laboratory). Imaging capabilities in the BSLIII include an ImageXpressMicro Confocal, only accessible for those who complete a basic BSLIII induction course. Allows live-cell time-lapse microscopy, with sample flexibility (round, flat, tissue, etc).

Data Analysis Centre

The IDM hosts a Bioinformatics Core Facility managed by the Computational Biology Division. The Core provides support for data analysis, including the development and implementation of pipelines for analysis of different data types, data management and data interpretation. Workflows include NGS data analysis, GWAS analysis, microbiome data analysis and phenotype data management. The facility has a dedicated Bioinformatician to assist IDM Members, staff and students with data analyses. There are additional support staff with expertise in various aspects of data analysis and management.