The Platform has extensive experience in proteomics, phosphoproteomics, metaproteomics, lipidomics and metabolomics. We have expertise in the analyses of a wide variety of biological samples, utilising both discovery MS (both label-free and label-based) and quantitative targeted MS-based assays.
A suite of high-end mass spectrometers is available for use, including:
- Triple TOF 6600
- Eksigent LC
- Dionex LC system
- Q Exactive Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer
- A Thermo TSQ Vantage triple quadrupole mass spec
- A Sciex 4800 MALDI TOF/TOF
- And a suite of associated nano-LCs
The IDM's dedicated mass spectrometry experts provide support and training for proteomic and metabolomic mass spectrometry (MS)-based projects, within the IDM Proteomics & Metabolomics Platform. We aim to provide training in sample preparation, MS assay design, MS analysis, data processing, and statistical analysis of your results. We have optimised standard operating procedures available for most MS-based techniques and are experienced in troubleshooting many common problems.
Requests for access and support should be submitted by email to:
A meeting will be arranged, ideally during the planning phase of your project, to discuss the feasibility, projected time-line, and experimental design of your project.
The IDM Proteomics & Metabolomics Platform will typically follow a collaborative model for access, where our role would be scientific, not purely technical. Such collaborations should apply the ICMJE guidelines for authorship.