The Computational Biology Division provides Bioinformatics support to researchers at UCT. The IDM has a dedicated Bioinformatician, Katie Lennard, to assist IDM Members, staff and students [only] with data analyses. Requests for support should be submitted by completing a services request form. These should be submitted during the planning stages of the project, to allow the development of data analysis pipelines tailored to the research needs.
The IDM bioinformatics support follows a collaborative model where all roles would be scientific and not purely technical. Such collaboration should apply the ICMJE guidelines regarding authorship. If a purely services model is preferred, a cost for the service is calculated based on estimated number of hours.
Ad hoc requests (less than eight hours required) from IDM Members, staff and students, will be handled on a case-by-case basis, submitted via email. Appointments should be requested in advance and submitted via email. The Data Analysis Centre also provides “hot desks” where students and staff can work collaboratively alongside bioinformatics experts.