Mini-symposium on Tuberculosis Research

The IDM and H3D will be co-hosting a special minisymposium in the Wolfson Lecture Theatre on Friday 27 October 2023 featuring a line-up of six internationally renowned research leaders in the field of TB and antimicrobial drug discovery. This minisymposium is an outreach event linked to the 178th Nobel Symposium in Chemistry: Tuberculosis and Antimicrobial Drug Resistance: From Basic Drug Discovery to the Clinic, which will be taking place at STIAS from 22-27 October. The minisymposium provides an opportunity to expose our staff, postdocs and students to a stellar group of world leading researchers who will be presenting a series of talks on their work. The event starts at 09h30 and will conclude with a lunch in the Wolfson Pavilion at 13h00. The minisymposium will be run as a hybrid event. Seats will be limited as we are expecting approximately 60 visitors from other institutions to join in person. To accommodate as many UCT-based research groups as possible, we recommend limiting in-person attendance to a maximum of 2 people per UCT PI (you and one other, or two people from your group, if you are unable to attend). Others who wish to hear the talks are strongly encouraged to register via the Zoom link.
Kindly confirm whether you and/or others from your group will be attending in person by sending a RSVP to Andruween (