Tutu Teen Truck project launched

27 Aug 2015
27 Aug 2015

Adapted from the Faculty of Health Sciences communication 27 Aug 2015


Tutu teen truck

Left: Tom Lindsay President of Alere Africa, centre: Zolani Mahola lead singer of 
the popular band Freshlyground, right: Marc Matthews President of Alere Africa


On the 13th of August the Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation launched the Tutu Teen Truck project in partnership with Alere Inc., a global leader in rapid diagnostics. Alere Inc. provided a R2.5 million grant which will support the Foundation and expand the reach of infectious, sexual and reproductive services for youth and adolescents from communities around Cape Town.

The Tutu Teen Truck is the second vehicle in the Tutu Tester mobile services fleet. It is a self-sufficient mobile healthcare unit equipped with two counselling rooms and a dispensing cubicle. The vehicle will be used to provide counselling and healthcare services to youth around Cape Town's under-served communities. In addition to HIV, TB and STI screening, a wellness package known as HCT PLUS will include diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cervical, breast and testicular cancer.