Prof Kaushik Sunder Rajan
Professor of Anthropology and Co-DirectorChicago Centre for Contemporary Theory
University of Chicago
Host: Dr Anastasia Koch [MMRU/IDM]
Kaushik Sunder Rajan is Professor of Anthropology and co-Director of the Chicago Centre for Contemporary Theory at the University of Chicago. He works on the political economy of the life sciences and biomedicine. He is the author of *Biocapital: The Constitution of Post-Genomic Life* (Duke, 2006) and *Pharmocracy: Value, Politics and Knowledge in Global Biomedicine* (Duke, 2017), and the editor of *Lively Capital: Biotechnologies, Ethics and Governance in Global Markets* (Duke, 2012). He has just completed a manuscript on the politics of ethnography, titled “Multi-si(gh)ted: Comparison, Intimacy and the Praxis of Ethnography”. He is beginning a new research project which looks at intersections between health and law in South Africa and India.