Institute of Infectious Disease & Molecular Medicine (IDM) University of Cape Town Wednesday
7 February 2024


10h15-16h00 10h15 Tea & coffee, Wolfson Pavilion, IDM 10h50 Welcome – Valerie Mizrahi
1h00 Branch Moody, Brigham and Women’s Hospital The surprisingly incomplete nature of the Mtb lipidome offers discovery opportunities
11h35 Tom Scriba, University of Cape Town Activation of endogenous retroelement transcription in tuberculosis
12h10 Laura Taylor, University of Cape Town & Provincial Government of the Western Cape Tuberculosis in forensic autopsies
12h45 Lunch, Wolfson Pavilion, IDM
13h45 Kyu Rhee, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York Molecular insights into the microbiology of treatment-shortening
14h20 Clare Smith, Duke University Developing new diverse models of distinct tuberculosis disease states
14h55 Robin Warren, Stellenbosch University Molecular characterization of the evolution of bedaquiline resistance
15h30 David Sherman, University of Washington On life support – exploring TB persisters

For catering purposes, kindly RSVP to Valerie Mizrahi (