IDM Core Facilities Seminar Program 2025

12 March 2025 | 13:00 - 14:00
Wolfson Pavilion Lecture Theatre, IDM Building

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Dr Tim Reid  completed his MSc degree in Medical Virology at Stellenbosch University in 2013 and then went on to work at the NHLS at Tygerberg, where he helped set up and run a small research flow cytometry lab in the hospital.

He joined UCT in 2017 to manage the flow cytometry core facility in a joint role as a Senior Scientific Officer at SATVI. He was heavily involved with the NRF application to procure a new FACSymphony, led by Muazzaam Jacobs and installed in 2021, and was part of the recent MRC grant led by Wendy Burgers to procure a state-of-the-art spectral FACSymphony, which is set to be installed towards the end of the year.